Bangladesh Specialized Hospital Ltd.

Specialist - Internal Medicine, Respiratory , Neuro Medicine & Allied




৩০ থেকে ৪৫ বছর


নির্দিষ্ট নয়


আবেদনের শেষ তারিখঃ
১৫ ডিসেম্বর ২০২৩

বেতনঃ আলোচনা সাপেক্ষে

শিক্ষাঃ মাস্টার্স / সমমান

* Must have valid BMDC Registration

প্রতিষ্ঠানের ধরণঃ স্বাস্থ্য

ডিপার্টমেন্টঃ হিউম্যান রিসোর্স

চাকরীর বর্ণনাঃ
চাকরির দায়িত্বসমূহ
Assessment of patients on admission.
Detailed history taking and Physical examination and documentation with in time frame and provide guidance to Medical Officer.
Responsible for sending the patient for the appropriate investigation as directed by the primary consultant and also to authorize investigations, which are urgent.
Take daily rounds of the all patients admitted under the department medicine in the wards and assess them for treatment as deemed fit by his / her consultant and review them regularly.
He/ she is to complete the In-Patient rounds everyday before, and fill the case sheets and progress notes without fail.
Responsible for providing adequate treatment to the patient as advised and to check the dosage, frequency, route of administrations of all medications, considering all precautions.
Continually monitor and review patient progress and adjust the management plan when necessary and to take appropriate initiatives in Medical and surgical emergencies when required.
Preparation of discharge summaries well in time and briefing the patient about the medications on discharge.
Follow hospital practices and demonstrate initiative aligned to ensuring the safest possible environment for patients and staff.
To attend all clinical meetings and work shops and actively participate in paper presentations.
To be part of training programs conducted in the hospital and to take continuous initiatives for knowledge and skill up gradation.
To be involved in teaching programs that is held by the department
To oversee the activities of the Residents and guide them
Assist consultants in the day-to-day management of patients.
To do on-Call duties to attend to medical patients received through emergency and assist in their management as advised by the consultant .
To participate in CODE ORANGE situations as a team leader
To Participate in CODE BLUE as team Member
Additional Job Responsibilities:-
He /She shall follow the standard precautions for all patients as per hospital protocol for prevention and control of infections. Standard precautions include but not limited to following
Hand hygiene,
Respiratory hygiene,
Proper use of personal protective equipment's (PPE),
Aseptic precautions,
Prevention of accidental inoculation injury, and
Waste segregation.
He /She shall follow the additional precautions for suspected/confirmed patients of certain infectious diseases as per hospital protocol for prevention and control of infections.
He / She is responsible for implementing and maintaining other practices and protocols as per Hospital policy.

কোম্পানীর সুযোগ সুবিধাদি
Provident fund, Gratuity
লাঞ্চ সুবিধা: অর্ধেক ভর্তুকি
বেতন পর্যালোচনা: বার্ষিক
উৎসব ভাতা: ২টি ( বার্ষিক )
Earn Leave
Health Benfit

Non Gov Circular T-15007

সতর্কতাঃ কাজের আগে কোন প্রকার লেনদেন করবেন না

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আপনার সাম্প্রতিক দেখা
অন্যান্য জবগুলো

No data was found
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