Divisional Coordinator




সর্বোচ্চ ৪৫ বছর




আবেদনের শেষ তারিখঃ
১৩ জানুয়ারি ২০২৪

বেতনঃ টাকা. ৪০০০০ (মাসিক)

শিক্ষাঃ মাস্টার্স / সমমান

সর্বনিম্ন ৭ বছর

প্রতিষ্ঠানের ধরণঃ আর্থিক প্রতিষ্ঠান

ডিপার্টমেন্টঃ সাধারণ

চাকরীর বর্ণনাঃ
চাকরির দায়িত্বসমূহ এবং কনটেক্সট
The Divisional Coordinator will perform the following key responsibilities:

Take lead and responsibility for successful implementation of the ICVGD 2nd Phase project in all the Upazilas of the assigned division.
Remain in close contact with the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) of the ICVGD 2nd Phase project.
Maintain close communication with the respective Upazila Women Affairs Officers (UWAOs) and the Deputy Director's (DD) office to ensure that they are regularly updated about the project activities and their insights and feedbacks are reflected in every aspect of project implementation.
Understand and be able to facilitate livelihood and market development approaches (value chain development, linkage with local service providers and market actors etc.) in a creative way. Provide support to the LEDCs for building their capacity in this regard.
Compile the annual work plan for every Upazila that has been endorsed by the respective UWAOs and submit it to the Project Director. Ensure that project activities are implemented in the Upazilas as per the work plan through supportive monitoring.
Assists the LEDCs to identify potential service providers, input/output market actors, project partners and develop strategies on how to establish linkage between them and the project beneficiaries to ensure sustainability of their livelihood.
Identify staff's weaknesses in project implementation and provide necessary feedback and support for improvements.
Encourage LEDCs to learn from mistakes and to come up with innovative ideas in order to improve the quality of project implementation.
Ensure timely submission of reports and plans as per the reporting matrix of the project.
Undertake regular monitoring visits to project sites and collect and analyze output data to see if the project runs on track to achieve the intended outcomes.
Prepare and submit the field findings to the assigned person by using the approved template.

কম্পেন্সেশন এবং অন্যান্য সুবিধাসমূহ
T/A, Mobile bill
Other benefit will be given as per HR policy of UDDIPAN.

Non Gov Circular T-15471

সতর্কতাঃ কাজের আগে কোন প্রকার লেনদেন করবেন না

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আপনার সাম্প্রতিক দেখা
অন্যান্য জবগুলো

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